quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007

To be continued.....

Alow Vestibulandos de Campestre...

Quero que postem aqui quem vai fazer Vestibular na UERN e melhor: quem realmente quer estudar!!

Pelo menos eu vou tentar nesse recesso de fimde ano 25/12 a 15/01 passar alguma coisa pra vcs.

Mas eu preciso saber as prioridades em termos de materia!!

Postem aqui, mandem email, sms, scrap...recado lá em ksa..mas me avisem de que matérias vcs mais precisam!!

Na semana do Natal, recomeçam a(s) aula(s)!!

É isso por enquanto!

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2007

E aí, pessoas?
Comentários do vestibular?
Postem aqui pra gente saber!

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2007

O Bolo.

Foi mal galera pelo bolo...

Fiquei até a tarde resolvendo uns problemas em Natal e nao tive como chegar em Campestre...
Simulado na semana que vem tá confirmado!

O que vcs acham dessa aula de hj ser no próxima sábado, 10h da manhã?
Postem aí se concordam...

E estudem seus preguiçosos =]
Essa é a semana decisiva pra UEPB.

domingo, 18 de novembro de 2007

Recado p/ aula 24/11/07


Vamos ver se vcs fazem a redação para essa semana.

Procure quem tem o material falando sobre a televisao que distribuí em uma das ultimas aulas de LPO.

E os encarregados, façam a tarefa abaixo.

Tarefas 24/11/2007

Débora, Lizandra e Alexsandro:

Tarefa pra vcs:Selecionar em livros de português ou provas de vestibular, três questões (3x3 = 9 questoes ao todo) sobre funções da linguagem, assunto estudado na aula passada.

Juliana, Lidiele e Rubson:

Aproveitem para fazer a mesma coisa (selecionar perguntas) sobre o assunto vícios da linguagem. Exemplos de vícios: cacofonia, pleonasmo, BARBARISMO, AMBIGÜIDADE,PRECIOSISMO e outros. Esse assunto será discutido an próxima aula.

sábado, 17 de novembro de 2007

English Exercise Nov, 24

Read this text and answer the questions below.

God may indeed be Brazilian after all
From The Economist print edition

WHEN Francisco Suares, a Portuguese explorer, wrote home to his brother in Lisbon about Brazil's natural bounty in 1596, he declared himself “ashamed to write it, fearing that I shall not be believed.” And so it remains today. Brazil's forests are bigger than anywhere else's. Its soil is so fertile that some trees grow to full maturity quicker than people do. Beneath the soil lie huge mineral deposits that are raw material for China's double-digit growth. Brazil is already on its way to becoming an alternative-energy superpower. And as if to prove a popular saying that “God is Brazilian”, it now seems that there are billions more barrels of oil than previously thought lying beneath deep waters off the country's coastline.

Just how many billions is unclear, but Petrobras, Brazil's state-controlled oil company, announced earlier this month that it reckons the Tupi oilfield contains between 5 billion and 8 billion barrels. That may not quite yet put Brazil in the same league as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, as Dilma Rousseff, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's chief of staff who also chairs Petrobras's board, excitedly proclaimed. But the higher estimate would make the Tupi field alone equal to all of Norway's reserves. It contains light crude, which is less expensive to refine and therefore worth more. And there may be other big deposits to be found nearby.

Despite these caveats, it is reasonable to assume that Brazil's economy and currency will get a boost when the oil starts flowing, it is hoped, in 2010. The discovery might also tip the balance of power in South America further in Brazil's favour. Already self-sufficient in oil, Brazil is now likely to become a significant exporter. That may reduce the clout of Venezuela's oil-rich president, Hugo Chávez, in the region. As if to underline this, Petrobras announced on November 13th that it was pulling out of a joint venture in Venezuela.


1) What is this text about?

2) According to the text, what are the main oil producers nowadays?

3) Choose the alternative that contains only adjectives

a) Popular / mineral / sorne / billion
b) deep / board / reserves / light
c) big / “state-controlled” / expensive / raw
d) many / chairs / deep / soil

4) Verify these affirmatives below:
( ) After this episode, Brazil is the most powerful country in terms of oil.
( ) Venezuela produces more oil than Brazil
( ) The Brazilian economy will be affected by the new oil field only in 2010.

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2007

Exercicio de Inglês (entregar próxima aula)

Traduza a notícia abaixo retirada do Scientific American Magazine:

Don't Forget: Drink a Beer—Or Two—Daily!
By Nikhil Swaminathan

You may be hard-pressed to recall events after a night of binge drinking, but a new report suggests that low to moderate alcohol consumption may actually enhance memory.

"There are human epidemiological data of others indicating that mild [to] moderate drinking may paradoxically improve cognition in people compared to abstention," says Maggie Kalev, a research fellow in molecular medicine and pathology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and a co-author of an article in The Journal of Neuroscience describing results of a study she and other researchers performed on rats. "This is similar to a glass of wine protecting against heart disease, however the mechanism is different."